Feasting on the Word classes are started!
Sunday morning Group: We're offering a group time on Sunday morning at 8:45-9:45am meeting at the church. We'll start this Sunday at 8:45am! Diane Luperello is the group convener.
Sunday Evening Group: We're also offering a group time on Sunday evenings from 5:00-6:30 that will include an optional supper from 5:00-5:30. The Sunday evening group will start this Sunday at 5:00. We'll meet initially at the church then go from there.
Kids and Youth: Small groups meet at 5pm at KoHS.
We're still exploring adding mid-week groups, which might include a Women's Circle (Presbyterian Women). Stay tuned for more info on those days/times
How Will Small Groups Work?
1. All of our small groups have a "default" curriculum of Feasting on the Word, but any small group is welcome to switch up and study something else if it chooses.
2. All small groups are "come and go as you please". The Feasting on the Word curriculum allows for students to gain insight and learning from each lesson on an individual basis
3. You can get the optimal experience of a small group the more frequently you meet with your small group and the longer you remain with your small group. That said, many folks find that switching between small groups from time to time can be very effective also!
4. Each small group is open to anyone. At this time we are not offering "targeted" small groups except for the potential Women's Circle. The Sunday Evening Small Group is ideal for parents who have children/youth in the Children's/Youth Sunday evening programming, but is open to anyone!
Contact Jonathan Sherrod, Camille Sherrod or Heather Daniels for more information and stay tuned for announcements!